• Earth Care

    Earth Care in permaculture underscores the importance of nurturing and preserving the health of our planet, treating it as a precious, living ecosystem that sustains all forms of life. It involves practices that regenerate the soil, conserve water, and enhance biodiversity, ensuring that we live in harmony with nature and leave a fertile, vibrant earth for future generations.

  • People Care

    People Care in permaculture emphasizes creating sustainable and supportive environments that cater to the basic needs of individuals and communities, such as food, shelter, education, and well-being. This principle advocates for equitable access to resources, fostering a culture of cooperation, respect, and mutual aid, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in harmony with the natural world.

  • Fair share

    Fair Share, a fundamental principle of permaculture, advocates for the equitable distribution of resources and wealth, encouraging us to take only what we need and share the surplus with others. This principle fosters a culture of generosity and abundance, ensuring that the benefits of sustainable living and natural resources are accessible to all, thereby promoting a more balanced and just world.

Embracing Permaculture

Permaculture teaches us to mimic the no-waste, closed-loop systems seen in nature, creating sustainable lifestyles that care for the earth, care for people, and share resources equitably. It's not just gardening; it's a way of seeing the world.


What is permaculture?

Permaculture is a design philosophy and approach to land management that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It emphasizes sustainable agricultural practices, self-sufficiency, and ecological harmony.

How does permaculture differ from traditional agriculture?

Unlike traditional agriculture, which often relies on single-crop systems and heavy input of chemicals, permaculture promotes diversity, polycultures, and integrated systems that recycle nutrients and energy, reducing the need for external inputs.

Can permaculture be applied in urban areas?

Yes, permaculture principles can be adapted to urban settings through practices like rooftop gardens, vertical farming, and the creation of green spaces that support biodiversity and reduce the urban heat island effect.

How does permaculture contribute to sustainability?

Permaculture contributes to sustainability by creating systems that are self-sufficient and resilient, reducing waste, conserving water, enhancing soil health, and promoting biodiversity, thereby reducing our ecological footprint.

Is permaculture only about gardening and farming?

While gardening and farming are core aspects, permaculture extends to building design, water use, energy conservation, and community living, offering a holistic approach to sustainable living and environmental stewardship.

How can someone get started with permaculture?

Starting with permaculture can begin with educating oneself through books, courses, and workshops, observing natural ecosystems, applying permaculture principles in your own garden or community, and joining local permaculture groups or initiatives.